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Головна » 2017 » Травень » 14 » Тиждень Європи
Тиждень Європи

   Одним із важливих  кроків нашої незалежної  держави є вступ у співдружність Європейських  держав.

  В рамках тижня до Дня Європи в школі був проведений урок – презентація «Країни Європейського союзу», на якому діти дізналися, що до Евросоюзу входять 28 європейських держав. Також учні із задоволенням побували на «екскурсії»  країнами  Европи та отримали велику кількість вражень.

     Під час гри-конкурса «Що я знаю про Європу?», діти задавали питання та отримували відповіді про країни Европи.

    Свої враження про свято діти виклали в  малюнках на тему «За мир та спокій в Україні та Європі».

Переглядів: 336 | Додав: Natalya | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всього коментарів: 1
1 Williamfuene  
?Essay crafting
A step-by-step strategy to prepare for, research and craft an academic essay.
This section will cover
To outline the method of researching and preparing to put in writing an academic essay.
To outline the aspects of an essay.
To identify factors of the body paragraph.
Essay creating
Essays are a widely employed variety of assessment which is made use of by lecturers. As a student you will will need to demonstrate the ability to produce a coherent and rational argument that proves that you just understood the course succeed. Producing an essay are often a difficult task, however this module will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully publish an essay.
Watch a video clip on essay composing
Firstly we explore the planning and preparation required to put in writing a standard essay and then outline the primary essay structure.
Analysing a topic/question
Primary check the meaning of words with the question. Make use of a dictionary if there are any words which you are unfamiliar with.
Secondly identify and highlight the instructional words. E.g. is the essay asking you to definitely compare, justify, argue, discuss etc. Also underline the key words/ideas that have been made use of like workplace diversity, communication etc.
Bracket the limiting words e.g. word count.
You will then demand to uncover some research determined by the topic which can include textual content books, journal articles, conference papers etc.
Essay structure
The introduction sets up the essay by presenting background knowledge related to the essay question. The general focus to the introduction will then become considerably more focussed in the essay question.
The introduction is usually an individual paragraph 15% of total word duration (don't get caught up on figures).
You also be required to devise your argument which is commonly referred to as being the thesis statement.
In the event you are struggling to jot down the introduction, reword the essay question inside of your private words.
Organising the body
Each and every main point that you simply make needs to be linked back again to the introduction and also the thesis statement.
There should be a person main point in each individual paragraph: the topic sentence and supporting examples must be centred to the same idea.
The quantity of points which you make will depend within the word count (1500 words, 4-5 paragraphs).
The order of each and every point will depend for the importance of each and every point.
Every single paragraph comprises
1 central idea.
A topic sentence (introduces a new idea) usually short and succinct.
Supporting examples/evidence and references (provide you with an example)
Paragraphs are usually 7-8 sentences extensive.
A well-known technique that is definitely useful for academic essays is:

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«  Травень 2017  »
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